
Areas of intervention

We work in part of the Southern Macro-Region (MRS), comprised of the current departments of Arequipa, Puno, Moquegua, and the south of Ayacucho.
Currently we are present in 4 departments, 11 provinces and 23 districts, of the MRS, with the execution of development projects. In 2024 we will accompany approximately 5,515 families.


DESCO activities in Arequipa began in the Caylloma province in 1985 and have continued to date. We develop different projects that have managed to stimulate and consolidate the economic circuits of domestic South American camelids; encourage the development of organic agriculture; improving educational quality in the Colca Valley; improving youth employment; the articulation of agricultural production with local tourism; encourage environmental management and solid waste management; and to the strengthening of social organizations and municipalities in their management of local and provincial development.

Ongoing projects

Sustainable and Climate-Sensitive Management of Andean Ecosystems – PROANDINO III.

Improving Conditions for Gender Equality in Rural Families Alto Andinas – GENERO GeTM.

Recovery of Water Regulation Ecosystem Services in the Quilca-Chili Upper Account.

Agricultural technical assistance in the traditional Yura area.

From 2000 we opened up to new territories. We have developed projects in the province of Caravelí based on the established economic circuits of olive growing, viticulture and fruit culture.

In the Ocoña and Camaná Basin, we promoted the increase in the portfolio of crops and fruit growing, the raising of minor animals, and the development of local initiatives to improve the production of wines and piscos, dehydrated fruits and other foods.

In the province of Castilla we work in the districts of the upper zone to consolidate the economic circuits of the domestic South American camelids, and later in the districts of the lower part with the theme of food sovereignty and gender.


It began its intervention in Puno in September 2004 with a project-oriented to the breeding of camelids where we overturned our proposals for the development of the economic circuit of domestic South American camelids, previously validated in the province of Caylloma.

Ongoing projects

Human development, educational quality and gender equity of the populations of the Cupi, Llalli, Macari and Umachiri districts in the province of Melgar, Puno Region – PROGECA.

Family Agricultural Development, applying technological innovation in productive infrastructure, irrigation systems, expansion of forage floor and animal health aimed at the prevention and mitigation of climatological effects in the area of ​​direct and indirect influence of the San Rafael Mining Unit – Minsur, in the districts of Antauta and Nuñoa, provinces of Melgar; Potoni and San Antón district, Azángaro province of the Puno Region.

Subsequently, we expanded our intervention to the development of dairy cattle farming and the primary transformation of its derivatives, mixed cattle raising, the sustainable management of natural resources, food security, environmental education, and the development of capacities for business management.


DESCO began its intervention in the province of Paucar del Sara Sara in 2004 with the purpose of supporting the restoration of agricultural production and the resurgence of social organizations, after almost nearly 20 years that subversion devastated the area.

Ongoing projects

Economically and politically empowered women from southern Ayacucho participate in the Strengthening of Local Rural Development.

The southern Ayacucho economy is based on agricultural activity, with a broad portfolio of food crops and significant livestock production (mainly beef cattle).

We continue with projects for the development of dairy cattle farming and the primary transformation of its derivatives and the sustainable management of natural resources. In addition, we work on the development of capacities for business management and the transformation of fruit trees.


We have been working in this area since January 2007, through the Administration Contract on the protected natural area “Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve”, signed between INRENA (now SERNANP -Ministry of the Environment-) and desco, in December 2006. Due Due to the results achieved with the first administration contract, in 2012 its extension until 2026 was approved.

Ongoing projects

Administration Contract of the Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve.

Conservation of Natural Resources in the Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve.

Recovery of Water Regulation Ecosystem Services in the Quilca-Chili Upper Account.

Improving Conditions for Gender Equality in Rural Families Alto Andinas – GENERO GeTM.

Gestión Sostenible y Sensible al Clima de los Ecosistemas Andinos – PROANDINO III.

Through the Administration Contract, we work on the management of the natural resources found in the reserve and its buffer zone, ensuring the conservation and protection of natural resources.

Our proposal combines two key elements: the conservation and the improvement of environmental conditions with productive-social development. We understand that it is not possible to achieve environmental objectives separated from the settled and user population by ancestral right. However, we need to make the population participate in the work and reach a level that allows them, eventually, to make the decisions and benefit from the achievements.

The Salinas Aguada Blanca National Reserve (RNSAB) covers an area of ​​366,936 hectares and has an average altitude of 4,300 meters above sea level. It has a population of 6,779 inhabitants distributed in 14 peasant communities. Its conservation is vital for the Arequipa region, since it constitutes the water catchment and regulation area for the city of Arequipa, its agricultural, industrial, mining and electrical energy production.